Day 25: Let the research commence!
Having just gotten back to Hsinchu last night after a fun-filled weekend, the crew got back to our usual schedule once again. The morning started by waking up in the Tsing dorm beds once again, after the brief hiatus of last week’s hotel stay. After getting ready for the day, I went to my favorite breakfast joint and grabbed another one of my favorite scallion pancakes I’ve had in Taiwan so far (it was just topped this past weekend in Tainan). Having thoroughly enjoyed this familiar taste, I walked to General Building II for class and did some last-minute studying for our daily vocab quiz. During class today, we debriefed on our busy weekend in Tainan, applying the unit’s grammar structures to our explanations of the weekend’s activities. We also presented our reports for the unit, in which we discussed family structures and values. These reports were very informative and I am very proud of my classmates and their presentations. As class finished up, we went to the cafeteria’s buffet o...