Day 32: A Strange Calm


Today strangely has felt quite calm, in spite of the ever closing deadline for our final projects approaching, and seemingly everyone else racing against time to complete their work. I feel at ease. It feels as if tomorrow's presentations and the impending final research paper deadline should add to the pressure to get everything done, yet I am quite relaxed at this point. Perhaps I am just an optimistic path I've found to reach the end successfully. Amidst the academic chaos, today brought a delightful surprise as I celebrated an early birthday gift. Additionally, the closure of our Mandarin class's classroom economy brought back fond memories and added to the day's unique experiences. As the day winds down, I reflect on the events that transpired and prepare for another productive grind session.

Today started off for me in a very lazy way, rolling out of my bed for one of the last times, and rushing to get to class after realizing I slept in again. With presentations scheduled for tomorrow and the final research paper due the day after, the workload has put everyone on edge. However, after a few deep breaths, and then a few more things once again settle in my brain. Very fortunately today I had the chance to meet with Benny and go over a few points in my research paper that I hadn't felt quite confident about. Previously I had quite worried about my lack of progress, but after talking with Benny I have been at ease. Before me I see a clear path in writing my paper, which with how crazy this dialogue has been at points, is quite reassuring.

During class today I received a surprise gift from the 老师s, at first I thought it was some sort of peppermint bark. It definitely is not that, I’m still not quite sure what it is, but it does taste amazing. After so many emotionally and mentally draining days the early celebration brought some much needed joy. 

Today was the second last class of our Mandarin Class in Taiwan marking the end of a unique and memorable learning experience. Although it brought back nostalgic memories of my middle school's classroom economy, I didn't mind as it added to the already amazing class. I strangely felt so sad about the end of this class despite the fact that I still have one final class tomorrow. Nevertheless, The excitement to also finish the class pushes me on.

As the day come to a close I 外带ed some food, and retreated back to my dorm to Continue The Grind. As the day comes to a close, I'm filled with a mix of exhaustion and contentment. Tomorrow brings its own set of hurdles with presentations, but I'm determined to face them with the same determination and positivity. This day has felt weirdly separate from this week. Maybe I'm having a bout of nostalgia, thinking back on all the memories and experiences I have got during this dialogue, it also may just be me being completely exhausted… Who knows. :)

- 致杰


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